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Man, you are one lazy SOB.
It doesn't exist. It is not a fact.

It makes me sick that people are still in prison for weed and some worry about whiners who bashed peoples head in.
Why do you post on these threads when you have no ide what you are talking about. You do no research, you don't read or watch anything but fake news from MSM,  you believe all these government conspiracy theories and behave somewhere between a petulant child and Blackheart.
Greene, Gohmert, Gaetz and Gosar are the bottom of the pile for credibility. We could spend a day digging up all of their crazy bullshit. You know that.

Doesn't it concern you just a little bit that you hang on their every word for what you like to term as truth. And your "research" begins and ends with a press conference LOL
Quote:Greene, Gohmert, Gaetz and Gosar are the bottom of the pile for credibility.
That's something only a Socialist/Marxist would say to divert from Maxine Waters, Pelosi, Omar, AOC, and those two other POS in the squad.

Quote:And your "research" begins and ends with a press conference LOL
 No, it is research from the first-hand account of two Congressman who went to the jail, saw the conditions, spoke to the incarcerated in both sections of the jail, fought to be let in where the J6 prisoners were being held.

Quote:According to PJ Media,

No one arrested for being in the Capitol on January 6th has been charged with insurrection, sedition or anything even close to toppling the government. Though there may have been as many as 300,000+ Trump supporters in Washington, D.C., on January 6, no firearms were recovered at the Capitol. No one has even been charged with arson, because there were no fires lit, yet some of the non-violent protesters are still in jail.
They are all being held in solitary confinement. For What. The 'Shaman got 31/2 years in prison. For What? Dressing Weird.

Lastly, there are 12,000 - 14,000 hours of video being withheld, I don't give a shit what you think because you are wrong.
There is no unseen video.

The Shaman plead guilty to one felony. Was charged with 5. Took it like man and got a good deal.
Always wrong. Never Right.
Typical retort when you are stuck.

Shaman DID plead guilty to a felony.
Fun with j.p. must have been following this thread
It's too bad the Right are leaving the insurrectionists to rot. The prisoners make for great photo ops, internet videos, puffery and theatrical websites. Lot of people are making money off of them. But when the rubber hits the road you all are fine with leaving them to their own devices. And if you ever seen photos of the rioters you would know that leaving them to their own devices is Unusually Cruel. Plus, what would you talk about if they weren't in jail. Transgenderism and the election seems to have become tiresome to you.

It's too bad those in jail don't have lawyers. Somebody needs to tell them they don't all really need to be in jail.
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