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Full Version: Jews Causing Trouble
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Damnit! They are at it again. If there is conflict and belligerence in the world, more than likely you will see the name, Victoria Nuland, attached with it. She was involved with Cheney's Iraq War. A major instigator, under that creep Obama, in Ukraine's mess a few years ago, and now, along with that other Jewish POS, Blinken, trying to stir up shit with Russia.
Do we really need all this conflict started by wandering Jews?
In Today's Headline:
"Drumbeat Of War Sounding Loud" US Says After Russia Declares Talks At "Dead End"
Why are they at a Dead End?
Not to tough to figure out. Because those gawddamn warmongers Biden put in charge are belligerent assholes. Instead of creating even a bigger divide they should be making peace and trading with Russia. But no, all of Biden's criminal activity in Ukraine is making it impossible - they want conflict. Oh, and fuck NATO.