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Sneaky Superbowl 2022 Halftime Show Designed To Create Fully Readable, Controllable and Programmable Android Slaves Living In 5G Smart Neighbourhoods And Homes!! |

Quote:They brought out all the stops to get you to think so: nostalgic 90′s rap music, cool dancers, hip rappers, a pop up neighbourhood, people pretending to rap and pay instruments, cool cars… this is basically all mind control to get people to look back into the past rather than DEAL WITH THE FACT YOUR NEIGHBOURHOODS ARE BEING WEAPONIZED WITH 5G! Yeah you better wake up fools! It gets much worse! This is ultimately about creating permanent slaves… and who better to be role models for this, but black people partying around their 5G weaponized neighbourhood…sick? yeah, sick in the head. Now in order for the public to accept the 5G microwave weaponization of our neighbourhoods, they gotta make it seem cool AND COMPLETELY NORMAL. They used the set of 5 different buildings, to NORMALIZE SOCIAL DISTANCING. Yup… now we can all party in our own SMART HOMES WITH CHANGING PHOTOS AND COOL GADGETS… and with 5G, have technologically advanced musical jams with our homies. However the effect was misguided. THE OVERALL EFFECT WAS MORE LIKE WATCHING HAMSTERS TRYING TO PARTY IN THEIR CAGES. NICE TRY ILLUMINATI! Now you must overstand a few facts: The 5G towers connect with A CHEMICAL CALL ETHYLENE OXIDE WHICH IS IN:
I'll wait while you tell me what he got wrong.